1.The thief … by the police. a)Is caught b)Was caught c)Is being caught
2)It … that he will get a life sentence.
Is thought b)Thought c)Think
3)He caught the vandal …
Itself b)Herself c)Himself
4)The stolen painting … yet.
Wasn’t recovered
Hasn’t been recovered
Isn’t recovered
5)She wasn’t … to enter here.
Allowed b)Made c)Let
6)Max … the guitar while Ann was talking on the phone.
Played b)Had played c)Was playing
7)They went on a sightseeing tour an hour …
Last b)before ago
8)Tom … Biology
b)Studies c)Studied
9)If you don’t water plants, they ...
Are dying b)die c)would die
10)The snake … escaped from the zoo, is poisonous.
What b)Who c)Where in I'm ​

Вадим98913 Вадим98913    3   24.12.2020 20:18    8

Engishmaster Engishmaster  23.01.2021 20:20

1) The thief b) was caught by the police.

2) It a) is thought that he will get a life sentence.

3) He caught the vandal c) himself.

4) The stolen painting a) wasn't recovered yet.

5) She wasn't c) let to enter here.

6) Max a) played the guitar while Ann was talking on the phone.

7) They went on a sightseeing tour an hour c) ago.

8) Tom b) studies Biology.

9) If you don't water plants, they c) would die.

10) The snake a) what escaped from the zoo, is poisonous.

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