1. The temperature is going along/over/up. 2. The cat is down/up/over the tree again. op DW domyl svar 3. Be careful when you go up/over/to the ladder. 4. Go over/on/up the bridge and turn left. 5. Let's go for a walk across/under/by the river. 6. He went up/into/over that house over there, 7. I'm going to/as far as/around work - see you later. 8. We sailed over/under/around the bay today. 9. Let's walk under/over/through the forest. 10. We had a lovely walk around/over/by the park 11. The London underground goes under/over/by the River Thames several times. 12. Walk along/past/on the bank, then go along/as far as/into the cinema and turn lef 13. I'm going over/into/to Paris in May. 14. Look who's coming around/across/up the park. at tadil 15. Let's walk over/along/across this path and see where it 16. We walked all the way across/up/into the mountain. 17. We had a lovely walk around/over/along the old town. 18. I don't like going across/through/under tunnels. 19. The cafe is just along/around/to the corner. 20. I'm going by/to/as far as the shops - do you want anything? goes. W

Хфк Хфк    3   30.11.2021 10:01    23

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