1. The swimming pool opens … 7.30 every morning.

a) in b) on c) at d) to

2. Her younger son is … pupil of … second form.

a) —,— b) a, the c) the, the d) a, a

3. There are not … in the vase.

a) flowers b) floweres c) a flower c) flowerz

4. How long … it take you to get to work?

a) have b) does c) do d) has

5. Our house … a small garden.

a) have b) haves c) is d) has

6. What does he … to eat?

a) want b) wants c) going d) wants

7. The hotel isn’t very expensive. It … cost very much.

a) doesn’t b) does c) don’t d) is

8. … you like your new flat?

a) Does b) Are c) Do d) Am

9. There … a lot of shops in different countries.

a) are b) is c) am d) be

10. … they usually go to work by car?

a) Are b) Is c) Does d) Do

petrovakat2003 petrovakat2003    3   07.04.2020 11:28    12

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