1. The restaurant be very good. There are always very few people there.

a) must

b) mustn't

c) can't

2. Unfortunately, the buses were all full and I ... a taxi.

a) must to take

b) have

c) had to take

3. Hi! I've just to the shops and I've bought a lot of tasty stuff.

a) gone

b) been

c) been going

4. The girl smiled and looked at us

a) friendlily

b) in a friendly way

c) friendly

5. A mystery is something that

a) can't be explain

b) can't be explained

c) can be explained

6. I wish I ... my key at work.

a) didn't leave

b) hadn't left

c) don't leave

7. ... are animals that are not dangerous at all.

a) Deer

b) Deers

c) Dear

8. When the temperature falls below 0 degrees Centigrade, water ...

a) is freezing

b) freeze

c) freezes

9. I you, I would never do that.

a) am

b) will be

c) were

10. He never tells the truth, he?

a) tells

b) does

c) doesn't

11. The weather fine tomorrow.

a) expects to be

b) is expected to be

c) be

12. When finished?

a) will the house be

b) will be the house

c) will the house

13. has been a pleasure to meet you!

a) There

b) This

c) It

14. How old is this palace? - It to be over 400 years old.

a) believes

b) is believed

c) is believed that

15. The wind and the sun was shining brightly after that.

a) has stopped

b) stopped

c) had stopped

16. Helen for her exams these days.

a) is reading

b) reads

c) is learning

17. Mary in love with Jack at first sight.

a) has felt

b) fall

c) fell

18. You will never make great progress ... you really work hard at your English.

a) if

b) unless

c) as soon as

19. I ... stop sneezing!

a) can't

b) mustn't

c) shouldn't

20. The girl on the sofa listening to misic.

a) lay

b) lie

c) laid

21. There's something I still can't understand!

a) what

b) that

c) who

22. They all looked forward a holiday.

a) to have

b) having

c) to having

23. Dad fell asleep the movie.

a) while he watching

b) while watching

c) during watching

24. The little girl was really scared as if she an alien.

a) was seeing

b) had been seeing

c) had seen

25. If you ... warmer clothes, you wouldn't have caught a cold.

a) had put on

b) putted on

c) would put on

26. They couldn't come to the party, was really exciting.

a) which

b) that

c) what

27. I've bought four magazines. Take

a) none

b) either

c) any

28. His car is rather old and often

a) breaks into

b) breaks down

c) breaks up

29. She finds ... hard to translate texts from German into English.

a) that is

b) that

c) it

30. When I came home, he at the computer for some time already.

a) had been working

b) was working

c) worked

kseniafomina99 kseniafomina99    1   30.04.2020 11:40    0

olyaokeio olyaokeio  14.10.2020 04:24

1. c

2. c

3. b


5. b

6. b

7. a

8. c

9. c

10. b

11. b

12. a

13. c

14. b

15. b

16. c

17. c

18. b

19. a

20. c

21. b

22. b

23. b

24. a

25. a

26. a

27. c

28. b

29. c

30. a

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