1. The plant is … (to be built) next to the existing one is … (to be completed) next year.

2. A whole range of economic factors are said … (to influence) the resources.

3. Because of these difficulties the relative accuracy of the estimates is likely … (to have been reduced) in recent years.

4. Government spending on a new steel mill may … (to provide) interest, speculation, perhaps even – indirectly – higher taxes and a new village school.

5. Complementary support must … (to come) from fiscal measures … (to provide) acceptable results.

6. This should also … (to help) to strengthen the dollar and reduce its dependence on fluctuations in interest rates.

7. Regardless of what is … (to blame) the reality is that the West German economy is weakened with its competitiveness diminished.

8. There will have … (to be) savage cuts in the real value of unemployment and social security payments.

manilipitaozk746 manilipitaozk746    2   08.06.2020 02:17    6

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