. 1 The first Pepper robots were bought in C 2015. D 2016. A 2000. B 2014. 2) Pepper can see using cameras on its C )wheels. D) hands. A) head. B )arms. 3 In two Belgian hospitals Pepper robots A find out patients' illnesses B) help children with schoolwork. C have replaced human nurses. D help patients find their way around. 4 Pepper's creators say that it A can learn on its own. B can't accept new software. C doesn't live for a long time.​

artem2006voskanyan artem2006voskanyan    3   31.12.2020 11:32    26

Миша75040406 Миша75040406  12.02.2021 21:44

. 1 The first Pepper robots were bought in C 2015. D 2016. A 2000. B 2014. 2) Pepper can see using cameras on its C )wheels. D) hands. A) head. B )arms. 3 In two Belgian hospitals Pepper robots A find out patients' illnesses B) help children with schoolwork. C have replaced human nurses. D help patients find their way around. 4 Pepper's creators say that it A can learn on its own. B can't accept new software. C doesn't live for a long time.​


SharagaXD SharagaXD  12.02.2021 21:44

1. 2015

2. head

3. help patiens find their way around

4. can learn on its own

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