1.the dictionary doesn’t belong to him, it to his colleague. 1)belong 2)is belonging 3)doesn't belong 4)belongs 2.ann up words in multitran because she wants to make sure that she any misspelled words in her paper. 1)is looking … doesn't have 2)are looking don't have 3)am looking … not have 4)look n't have 3.where did you textbook? i cannot find it anywhere. 1)to buy 2)buy 3)is buying 4)bought 4.we translating that difficult article yesterday at 8 p.m., weren't we? 1)were 2)are 3)did 4)do

Anne413 Anne413    1   03.09.2019 09:40    0

muriev muriev  06.10.2020 14:26
1.The dictionary doesn’t belong to him, it to his colleague.

2.Ann up words in Multitran because she wants to make sure that she any misspelled words in her paper.
1)is lookingdoesn't have

3.Where did you this textbook? I cannot find it anywhere.

4.We translating that difficult article yesterday at 8 p.m., weren't we?
buh64 buh64  06.10.2020 14:26
4/1  2/1  3/2  4/1 
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