1)The correct variant: A) He are finished his work yet.
B) He have not finished his work yet.
C) He has not finished his work yet.
D) He has not finishing his work yet.
E) He has not finished him work yet.
F) I have sent the letter today.
2)The right variant
A) Fast.
B) Work.
C) Play.
D) Rapid.
E) Discuss.
F) Run.
G) Quick.
H) Jump.
3)The correct variant:
A) If you finish your homework, we shall go to the cinema.
B) If you finishes your homework, we shall go to the cinema.
C) If you finishs your homework, we shall go to the cinema.
D) She will forget about it if we don't remind her.
E) She will forgot about it if we don't remind her.
F) When she read letter, she will become nervous.
G) When she read the letter, she will become nervous.
H) When she reads the letter, she will become nervous.
4)The correct variant:
A) If you make a mistake, someone will let you know.
B) If you makes a mistake, someone will let you know.
C) If you made a mistake, someone will let you know.
D) If he asked me, I will consider his proposal carefully.
E) If he asked me, I will consider his proposal carefully.
5)The correct form:
A) If I am hungry, I will get something to eat.
B) If I are hungry, I will get something to eat.
C) If I hungry, I will get something to eat.
D) If you are hungry, you couldn’t eat an apple.
E) If it rained we may get wet.
6)The correct variant:
A) If she invites me, I will go.
B) If she invite me, I will go.
C) If she inviting me, I will go.
D) If it rains, we will cancel the match.
E) If it raining, we will cancel the match.
F) If I gets a promotion, I will buy a car.

поставить не просто буквы, а объяснить, почему этот вариант верный

drblk3282 drblk3282    2   13.03.2021 11:32    2

Liakn Liakn  12.04.2021 11:32

1.C . He hasn't finished his work yet.

2.A,D,G. First rapid quick

3.A.If you finish your homework we shall go to the cinema.

D.She will forget about it if we don't remind her.

H. When she reads the letter she will become nervous.

4.A. If you make a mistake someone will let you know.

Здесь ещё должен быть один вариант, Вы наверное просто ошиблись. Правильный вариант ещё будет такой

:If he asks me I will consider his proposal carefully.

5.A. if I am hungry I will get something to eat.

6.A. if she invites me I will go .

D. If it rains we will cancel the match.

В этих предложениях ах-ах правила условного предложения -тип один.

Conditionals type 1.

В главном предложении должно стоять время Future simple, а в придаточном предложении -Present Simple.

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