1. the child … (sleep) now. 1. is sleeping 2. are sleeping 3. am sleeping 2. my sisters … (cry), i don’t know what to do. 1. is crying 2. are crying 3. are criing 3. what … you (do) tonight? 1. is you do 2. are you do 3. are you doing 4. look! he … (swim) so well. he will be a winner. 1. is swiming 2. is swim 3. is swimming 5. i … (go) to call my sister. she … (travel) around the world now. 1. am going/travels 2. am going/is travelling 3. am going/is traveling 6. don’t make some much noise. i … (try) to sleep. 1. am trying 2. is trying 3. am triing 7. i … still (write) a letter to my sister. 1. write 2. am writing 3. am writeing 8. my father …. always … (lose) his things. 1. is losing 2. loses 3. is lose 9. linda … constantly … (complain) about nothing. 1. complains 2. is complain

Оооооууууу Оооооууууу    1   18.08.2019 16:10    10

lenapelevina0 lenapelevina0  05.10.2020 03:08

1.1: The child is sleeping now.

2.2: My sisters are crying,I don't know what to do.

3.3: What are you doing tonight?

4.3: Look! He is swimming so well. He will be a winner.

5.2: I am going to call my sister. She is travelling around the world now.

6.1: Don't make some much noise. I am trying to sleep.

7.2: I am still writing a letter to my sister.

8.1: My father is always losing his things. (употребляется Present Continuous в значении раздражения)

9.(нет правильного варианта): Linda is constantly complaining about nothing. (тоже самое,что и в пункте 8)

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