1) the businessmen a lot of letters. a)send b)sends c) to send to watch tv ? a)would you like b)can you c)must you 3)he on the farm . a)isn't b)doesn't c) can't 4) i buy postcard a)am not b)don't c)haven't 5)who rides a bike ? - the a)are b)does c)do

vladputilov451 vladputilov451    3   25.09.2019 21:50    1

Panda2004s Panda2004s  16.08.2020 22:17
1) а
2) а
3) b
4) a
5) c
avisotska avisotska  16.08.2020 22:17
1) The businessmen send a lot of letters.
2)Can you to watch TV ?
3)He doesn't on the farm.
4)I havent buy postcard.
5)Who rides a bike ? - The boys are
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