1. the area at the top of the hill is very calm and …. early in the morning. __a peaceful __ b noisy __ c chaotic 2. we had a/an …. time at the concert last night. __a remarkable __ b enjoyable __ c valuable 3. «don`t be so …. you are already 14 years old,» mother told ann. __a smallish __ b childish __ c youngish 4. although harry is thin, he is ….. most other boys. __a strong __b stronger than __c the strongest 5. be ….. to animals; they are living things too. __a kind __b kinder than __c the kindest

lizochkascherb lizochkascherb    1   31.07.2019 03:10    0

pron1983 pron1983  25.08.2020 16:59
1) А
2) В
3) В
4) В
5) А