1 Text completion
Read the text below. Use the words
in capitals in the correct form so that they
fit the text. Complete the gaps with those
new words. Every gap corresponds to a
different task (1-9).
What a
All of us have experienced some strange
coincidences in our lives. Maybe we once
bumped into a work colleague in a foreign
country or a friend called us just as we
were thinking about 1) .....!
But this story 2) -
really incredible. In
1979, a German magazine asked readers
3) in unusual true stories. The winner
was a man called Walter Kellner who
wrote about an incident that 4) ..... while
he was flying a Cessna 421 plane
between Sardinia and Sicily.
He experienced engine trouble, landed in
the sea and then 5) .. from a dinghy.
Little did he know that the story would
6) ..... by an Austrian whose name was
also Walter Kellner! Not only this, but
Walter said that the Austrian Kellner 7).
his story.
He too flew a Cessna 421 over the same
sea and also had engine trouble before
8) ..... land in Sardinia.
The magazine decided 9) the facts of
the stories and found out that they were
both, in fact, true! Amazing!

1 Text completion Read the text below. Use the words in capitals in the correct form so that they fi

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