1) спишіть, вибираючи правильну часову форму. 1.he knows quite a lot of english. he (learns/is learning/has been learning) it for six years. 2.i (am making/was making/have been making) cakes. that’s why my hands are all covered with flour. 3.her phone (rings/is ringing/has been ringing) for ten minutes. i wonder why she doesn’t answer it. 4.we (walked/have walked/have been walking) ten kilometres. 5.there is sawdust in your hair. – i’m not surprised. i (cut/was cutting/have been cutting) down a tree. 6. she (slept/had slept/had been sleeping) for 3 hours when we returned. 7.they (made/were making/had been making) their way through thick forest for some time before they came to a little house. 8.by midnight they (will ride/will have ridden/will have been riding) for two hours. 9.nick wrote the letter yesterday and he (didn’t write/hadn’t written/hadn’t been writing) it before i came. 10.mother wasn’t at home when i came. she (has gone/had gone/ had been going) out half an hour before.

aysun222222 aysun222222    1   26.09.2019 07:40    0

380974769507p06wmj 380974769507p06wmj  02.09.2020 01:57
1. He knows quite a lot of English. He has been learning it for six years.
2. I have been making cakes. That’s why my hands are all covered with flour.
3. Her phone has been ringing for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn’t answer it.
4. We have walked ten kilometres.
5. There is sawdust in your hair. – I’m not surprised. I have been cutting down a tree.
6. She had been sleeping for 3 hours when we returned.
7. They had been making their way through thick forest for some time before they came to a little house.
8. By midnight they will have been riding for two hours.
9. Nick wrote the letter yesterday and he hadn’t written it before I came.
10. Mother wasn’t at home when I came. She had gone out half an hour before.
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