1. Составьте предложения, выбрав начало из первого столбца и окончание – из второго и переведите She is interested a) drinking alcohol.

I would like b) to seeing my daughter.

You should give up c) being ill.

We really enjoy d) laughing at her.

I’m looking forward e) to living in a dirty house.

He is used f) talking to drunk people.

She pretended g) swimming in the sea.

Pamela is good h) to have a cup of coffee.

I couldn’t help i) in surfing the Internet.

She avoids j) at riding a horse.

2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильую форму (-ing форма (герундий)) или инфинитив (с или без to).

His mother always tells him (study) hard.

Does she know how (play) this game?

You need (say) sorry to your mother.

Do you fancy (go) out tonight?

You must (visit) your grandma at hospital.

I’ve never been to a language camp but I’d like (go) one day.

dilaratristarimir dilaratristarimir    2   05.02.2021 10:15    4

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