1. Составь из данных слов предложения, используя союзы if(если)/when (когда) 1) My daughter / too much chocolate/ eats/she/sick/will get.
2) Much work/ has/ she/ help/I /her.
3) Rains/ tomorrow/ it/ at home/ stay/ we/ all day long.
4) Watch/ the children/cartoons/ we/ quietly/ will have dinner.
5) Take part/ our team/ in the competition/ it/ much/ trains.
6) Of the nature/ we/ don’t take care/ soon/ it/ will be damaged.
7) To the party/ will go/ she/ they/ her/ invite.
8) Cooks/ the pancakes/ the granny/ we/ them/ will enjoy/ with
caviar or sour cream.
9) You/ an apple/ have / a day/ will be/ you/ healthy.
10) Much coffee/drink/ they/ won’t sleep/ they/ at night/well.

2. Исправь ошибки в предложениях
1) We go to the cinema if you buy us the tickets.
2) I will water the flowers if you give me the keys.
3) If he give me advice, I will immediately follow it.
4) When you will finish your homework, we will go out and play.
5) If you will like your tea with milk, I will bring you some.
6) What do you do if she invites you to her party?
7) If he will follow the doctor’s advice, he will soon recover.
8) If we won’t do our homework, the teacher will give us bad marks.
9) He will arrive in time if there won’t be any traffic jams.
10) If it rains in the evening, we don’t go to the country

Огнены Огнены    2   12.04.2021 22:37    17

alyaagafonova alyaagafonova  12.04.2021 22:40


If my daughter eats too much chocolate, she will get sick.If he has much work, I will help her.If it rains all day long tomorrow, we will stay at home.When the children watch cartoons, we will have dinner quietly.If our team trains much, it will take part in the competition.If we don't take care of the nature, it will soon be damaged.If they invite her to the party, she will go.When the granny cooks the pancakes with caviar or sour cream, we will enjoy them.When you have an apple a day, you will be healthy.If they drink much coffee, they won't sleep well at night.


We will go to the cinema if you buy us the tickets.✔If he gives me advice, I will immediately follow it.When you finish your homework, we will go out and play.If you like your tea with milk, I will bring you some.What will you do if she invites you to her party?If he follows the doctor's advice, he will soon recover.If we don't do our homework, the teacher will give us bad marks.He will arrive in time if there aren't any traffic jams.If it rains in the evening, we won't go to the country tomorrow.
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