1. Слово, противоположное по значению? Noisy A) exciting B) quiet C) calmly D) quitly E) dull 2. Правильный вариант степени сравнения: My sister sings much … than I. A) better B) best C) gooder D) good E) more good 3. Подходящее слово по смыслу : … is a good movie on TV tonight. A) He B) They’re C) She D) Their E) There 4. Правильный ответ: I agreed … that part-time job. A) taken B) takes C) took D) to take E) take 5. Найдите синоним к выделенному слову: He felt very ill. A) sick B) awake C) tired D) scared E) boring 6. Правильный вариант предлога: I haven’t seen my friend … a long time. A) since B) for C) at D) over E) from 7. Правильная форма глагола в страдательном залоге: He (to ask) to bring a glass of water. A) are asked B) was asked C) was ask D) is ask E) ask 8. Выберите неверное словосочетание: A) junk food B) tasty food C) starving food D) delicious food E) wealthy food 9. Правильная форма Participle: I don’t find this story … . A) Unamusing B) amusing C) amuseful D) unamused E) amused 10. Дополни предложение : He can spend … month or two at …seaside. A) a/ - B) the/- C) the/the D) -/the E) a/the 11. Суффикс порядкового числительного: A) –th B) –ist C) –ful D) –teen E) –ty 12. Выберите верное местоимение: My father gave me this book … . A) myself B) itself C) yourself D) herself E) himself 13. Закончите предложение: I’ll pass all my exams if … … . A) I have work hard at school. B) I worked hard at school. C) I will work hard at school. D) I shall work hard at school. E) I work hard at school. 14. Выделенное слово является глаголом в предложении: A) They follow definite standards in their work. B) Standing at the window she watched the boys. C) There are many stands at the library. D) All the stands are really useful. E) The table for children stands in the corner of the room. 15. Закончите предложение: The children haven’t finished their work … . A) yesterday B) then C) last night D) yet E) tomorrow.

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