1. She usually ___ lunch at 10 o'clock. (have)
2. We ___ each other for four years (know)
3. They went to the museum after they ___ their homework (finish)
4. He ___ for two days and felt exhausted (not/sleep)
5. While I ___ (wash) the dishes, I cut my finger.
6. James ___ to Nicaragua tonight. He has booked the tickets. (fly)
7. If I were you, I ___ some salt in the soup (put)
8. If Ann had not moved to Alaska, she touch with most of my friends (not lose)
9. If John ___ his homework, he will be in trouble (not/do)
10. A: These flowers are great.
B: They ___ to me yesterday be one of my fans(send)​

danilox2007 danilox2007    2   17.05.2021 03:40    0

Iro4kat Iro4kat  16.06.2021 05:38

1. has

2. have known

3. finished

4. hadn’t sleep

5. was washing

6. is flying

7. i’d put


9. doesn’t do

10. sent

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