1. She …… (spend) her free time with her friends. They often …… (go) to the cinema.
2. Tony ………… (not/work) at weekends. He ……. (visit) his grandparents in the countryside.
3. What …… (he/do) for a living? He …… (work) in a bank.
4. What …… Sandra …… (prefer)?- Burgers or pizza?
5. …… you always …… (arrive) at work early?

taoo taoo    2   25.02.2021 11:48    18

E2006 E2006  27.03.2021 11:53

1 spends,go

2 doesn't work, visits

3 . What does he do for a living? he works in a bank.

4. What does Sandra prefer?

5. Do you always arrive at work early?

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