1. she has just the room. a) leaves b)left c) leave d) will leave 2. when nick came home yesterday, his . a) cooked b)had cooked c) was cooking d) cooks 3. we from 9 till 11 yesterday. a) are playing b)played c) were playing d) have played 4. come from italy? a) does b)is c)do d)are 5. this is the film i’ve ever seen. a) worse b)most bad c)bad d) worst 6. television for the violent behaviour of some young people. a)blames b)blamed c) is blamed d) would blame 7. my sister's son ride in tomorrow's race, because he is too young. a) won't b) shan't c) wouldn't d) doesn't 8. he was sorry that he to me for so long. a) didn't write b) haven't been writing c) hadn't been writing d)hasn't been writing 9. i didn't have much time, but i visit a lot of places of interest in london. a) can b) was able to c) must d) had to 10. when i speak italian, all the others in the class at me as i don't know the language well. a) laughed b) was laughing c) will laugh d) laugh 11. he in the army for eighteen months. this is his last month. a) serves b) is serving c) has been serving d) have served 12. you are very dealing with people. a) in b)at c) on d) about 13. thank you for your offer,but i not to accept it. a) decide b) has decided c) have decided d) decided 14. you through your old photograph album for half an hour already. a) look b) are looking c) have looked d) have been looking 15. nobody knows where his picture is. perhaps, it . a) was stolen b) will be stolen c) has been stolen d) stolen 16. i agree. you apologize for not inviting him to your birthday party. a) can't b) mustn't c) shouldn't d) may not

doblesn doblesn    2   26.09.2019 16:30    1

Tuna234 Tuna234  08.10.2020 20:36
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