1. Sarahout last night.  A. didn’t went  b. didn’t goes  c. didn’t go   d. no went 2. I went to America English.   A. for learning   b. for to learn  c. to learn  d. to learning

3. Выберите верное  a. You will come with me tomorrow?   B. Do you come with me tomorrow?   C. Come you with me tomorrow?    D. Will you come with me tomorrow?

4. Oh no! my key.   A. I lose  b. I’m lost  c. I’ve lose   d. I’ve lost

5. If you the box, you’ll find a present.   A. opened B.  would open  c. open   d. will open

6.  If youit, it would break.  A. would drop  b. will drop  c. had dropped  d. dropped

7. If the temperature is 100C, water  a. is boiling  b. boil  c. will boil  d. boils

8. It is a man works in an office.  A. which  b. who  c. whom  d. whose

9. He speaks English.  A. good but slow  b. well but slow  c. good but slowly  d. well but slowly

10.  I spoke to a girl was from Barcelona. A. what  b. which   c. who   d. whose

Amyy1 Amyy1    2   25.12.2020 09:15    1

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