1. safe one thing that american teachers are very concerned about is the … of our children. 2. compete the international library of poetry has just announced an international poetry … . 3. travel a sea voyage is the most romantic way of … . 4. write which american … was from california? 5. independent on the 4th, july the americans celebrate their main holiday – the … day.

Анджелика10 Анджелика10    1   29.05.2019 05:00    1

Ididhhxj Ididhhxj  27.06.2020 11:38
1. SAFEty   One thing that American teachers are very concerned about is the … of our children. 2. COMPETEtion     The International Library of Poetry has just announced an International Poetry … . 3. TRAVELing    A sea voyage is the most romantic way of … . 4. WRITEr   Which American … was from California? 5. INDEPENDENce   On the 4th, July the Americans celebrate their main holiday – the … Day.
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