1. results from last month all our expectations. a) rivalled b) exceededc) regained d) recovered 2. sorry, i didn’t quite that. could you repeat it? a) clarify b) mean c) speak d) catch 3. a group is a good way to find out what customers think about your products. a) promotion b) research c) focus d) questionnaire 4. talks off today, with both sides still disagreeing. a) cut b) build c) broke d) ran 5. there are a few benefits to my job such as a company car and membership of the local sports centre. a) fringe b) perk c) remuneration d) pay 6. i keep going about this problem, but it’s important. a) out b) up c) in d) on 7. our website receives about 30,000 per month. a) hits b) surfs c) browses d) clicks 8. if we’d prepared properly, we the deal. a) hadn’t lost b) didn’t lose c) wouldn’t have lost d) wouldn’t lose 9. my boss is totally when it comes to mistakes. a) untolerant b) intolerant c) imtolerant d) mistolerant 10. i hope there’s a good return my investment. a) for b) with c) on d) in 11. let’s get straight to the and not waste any more time. a) point b) item c) debate d) purpose 12. consumer confidence is down, high street stores still report good profits. a) moreover b) in spite of c) however d) although 13. could you please tell me how many staff a) do you employ b) you employ c) you do employ d) are you employ 14. i thought it was rather of them not to say they weren’t coming. a) inconsideration b) considerate c) inconsiderate d) consideration

поЧеМучКа11112 поЧеМучКа11112    2   13.09.2019 21:10    7

temamojet1997 temamojet1997  07.10.2020 12:40
1.  b) exceeded
2. d) catch
3. b) research
4. c) broke
5. a) fringe
6. d) on
7. d) clicks
8. c) wouldn’t have lost
9. b) intolerant
10. c) on
11. a) point
12. d) Although
13. b) you employ
14. c) inconsiderate
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