1. reading read the text and choose the best answer (a–d) to complete the sentences (1–5). a record-breaking snowstorm has brought chaos to much of the north-eastern united states. much of the region now lies covered in some two feet or more of snow and transport systems are at a standstill. thousands of homes are without electrical power. the united states national weather service says that this huge winter storm has dumped some 68.3 centimetres of snow in central park, making it the worst blizzard to hit new york since records began in 1869. to add to the problems facing the entire north-eastern seaboard, winds across the region have been gusting at up to 96 kilometres an hour, causing serious localised drifting. the road network in many places is impassable. most of the airports in the region have been closed, with hundreds of flights cancelled. passengers on transatlantic flights heading into new york have, in some cases, found themselves diverted to alternative destinations. here in manhattan, snowploughs worked non-stop on sunday in an effort to keep the streets and avenues open to traffic. but much of the city was quiet. even the notoriously busy times square was all but deserted for much of the day. some who did venture out into the snow were rewarded with the memorable sight of people making their way down broadway on skis. taken from “snowstorm hits us” by jeremy cooke, 13 february, 2006 1 drifting – занос (сніговий) 2 venture – ризикнути 1. because of the large amount of a people walked out on strike for higher pay. b transport systems were closed and many homes were without power. c the new york city government gave away coats to keep people warm. d new york city ordered all stores closed for the day. 2. this was the most snowfall new york has seen a 1969. c records began in 1869. b the recordbreaking storm of 1899. d the blizzard of 1989. 3. the phrase “localised drifting” most likely a snow is being blown into large piles is some areas. b snowploughs cannot plough the roads clear. c people are lost in the blizzard. d people stayed home from work.

neste2 neste2    1   30.06.2019 21:20    10

Vikaaaa32 Vikaaaa32  24.07.2020 11:38
1. B
2. C
3. A или В, тут уж не уверен
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