1 Read the story sections 1-8. Then match them to the pictures A-G.
1 Holmes and Watson go to The Alpha
and talk to Mr Windigate. He tells them
that the geese came from Mr Breckinridge.
Holmes and Watson go straight to Mr
Breckinridge's shop to find out more.
2 Mr Peterson finds a blue diamond inside the
tall man's goose. A ticket on the goose says
"For Mr and Mrs Henry Baker".
3 Someone steals the Countess of Morcar's
blue diamond from her rooms in the
Cosmopolitan Hotel. -
4 Mr Peterson goes to see Sherlock Holmes.
Holmes puts an advertisement in the
newspaper asking Henry Baker to come to
Baker Street. Henry Baker tells Holmes that
he got the goose from Mr Windigate at The
5 A tall man with a hat is walking with a
goose over his shoulder. A young man hits
the man and his hat falls off. The man runs
away and leaves his hat and goose in the
street. Mr Peterson sees this and takes the
hat and the goose. -
6 James Ryder tells Holmes that he stole the
diamond and put it in one of his sister's
geese. Later he took a goose and opened
it up, but it was the wrong goose and it
didn't have the diamond in it. His sister,
Mrs Oakshott, had sold the goose with the
diamond to Mr Breckinridge.
7 Holmes and Watson talk to the man from
Mr Breckinridge's shop. His name is James
Ryder and he is the Assistant Manager of
the Cosmopolitan Hotel.
8 At Mr Breckinridge's shop, Holmes and
Watson see a man there. The man asks Mr
Breckinridge about the geese. He says one of
the geese was his and he wants it.​

еклвла838 еклвла838    2   11.01.2021 10:37    8

inessa30 inessa30  10.02.2021 10:41

ответ: 1-e. 2-h. 3-f. 4-g. 5-c. 6-a. 7-d. 8-b.

Объяснение: учительница дала нам ответы, так что все ответы правильные.

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