1 Read the sentences and write P (prediction), O (offer), D (decision) or I (intention). Then complete the sentences. Use the correct form of will or going to and the verbs in brackets.

1 There’s ice on the path. They (slip) and fall.

2 Are you too hot? I (open) the windows if you want.

3 Next week we (have) a meal at that new restaurant.

4 In fifty years, no one (drive) cars any more.

5 I can’t do this homework. I know! I (phone) Jenny. She’s clever.

zhalamine zhalamine    1   22.04.2020 13:49    82

ВладИК08123 ВладИК08123  08.01.2024 10:52
1. There’s ice on the path. They are going to slip and fall.
The correct answer is 'P' (prediction) because the sentence suggests that it is likely for them to slip and fall on the icy path. We use 'are going to' to express future events that are based on present evidence or signs.

2. Are you too hot? I will open the windows if you want.
The correct answer is 'O' (offer) because the speaker is offering to open the windows based on the other person's preference. We use 'will' to express a spontaneous decision or offer.

3. Next week we are going to have a meal at that new restaurant.
The correct answer is 'P' (prediction) because the sentence indicates a planned event that will happen in the future. We use 'are going to' to express future plans or arrangements.

4. In fifty years, no one will drive cars anymore.
The correct answer is 'P' (prediction) because the sentence suggests a future state where nobody will drive cars anymore. We use 'will' to express future predictions or beliefs.

5. I can't do this homework. I know! I will phone Jenny. She's clever.
The correct answer is 'I' (intention) because the speaker intends to phone Jenny as a solution to their problem. We use 'will' to express intentions or decisions made at the moment of speaking.
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