1 Read the model text and answer the questions.

1 Who is Nurlan writing to? Why is he writing?
2 Which paragraph gives Nurlan's news?
3 Where did Nurlan go last weekend?
4 Which paragraph gives details of Nauryz?
5 Why does Nurlan want Alex to come?​

1 Read the model text and answer the questions.1 Who is Nurlan writing to? Why is he writing?2 Which

mstrager2342 mstrager2342    1   12.02.2021 14:04    13

2899101714lp 2899101714lp  14.03.2021 17:56

1) Nurlan is writing to Alex. He wants Alex to visit his country.

2) The second paragraph gives Nurlan’s news.

3) He went to the cinema with Alan last weekend.

4) The third paragraph gives details of Nauryz

5) Because both of them have nothing planned for a school holiday.

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