1. Раскрыть скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени:

1) Atomic energy ….. (to be used) for various industrial and scientific purposes.

2) The plant ….. (to be built) for producing parts for radio and TV sets by the end of the year.

3) A friend of mine …… (to enter) the Moscow State University last year.

3. Указать в скобках время глагола и перевести предложения:

1) Now we use radio in our daily life.

2) He was sent to England by our Institute.

3) The lecturer said that Taganrog had been founded by Peter the Great.

4. Составить все виды во к данному предложению:

Не will pass his exams in English next year.

цафвіаі цафвіаі    3   17.04.2020 15:00    1

NastyaBelmesova NastyaBelmesova  13.10.2020 10:39
1) is used 2) will have been built 3) entered
3. 1) сейчас мы используем радио в нашей повседневной жизни (present simple)
2) институт отправил его в Англию (past simple passive)
3) лектор сказал, что Таганрог был построен Петром Великим (direct speech past simple and past perfect passive)
4. When will he pass his exams?
Will he pass his exams?
He will pass his exams in English next year, won’t he?
Will he pass his exams in English or French next year?
Who will pass exams in English next year?