№1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. 1. Не (to read) a book now.
2. She (to do) her home work.
3. My mother (to sit) at the table now.
4. I still (to write) a letter.
5. They (to play) football.
6. It (to snow) now.
7. We (to have) dinner now.
8. It still (to rain) .
9. Why you (to talk)?
10. The girl (to draw) a picture at the moment.

№2. Поставьте данные предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной формах.
1. Mary is sleeping.
2. You are listening to the radio.
3. I am studying.
4. You are eating now.
5. We are drinking coffee at the moment.

annykolis annykolis    2   14.12.2020 18:09    1

archibasovav archibasovav  13.01.2021 18:10


He is reading a book now.

She is doing her homework.

My mother is sitting at the table now.

I am still writing a letter.

They are playing football.

It is snowing now.

We are having dinner now.

It is still raining.

Why are you talking?

The girl is drawing a picture at the moment.


1) Mary isn't sleeping.

Is Mary sleeping?

2) You aren't listening to the radio.

Are you listening to the radio?

3) I am not studying.

Am I studying?

4) You aren't eating now.

Are you eating now?

5) We aren't drinking coffee at the moment.

Are we drinking coffee at the moment.

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