1. Раскройте на русском языке сущность семи форм экономической безопасностив сфере трудовой деятельности, которые нашли свое отражение в Программе социально-экономической безопасности «Международной организации труда» (ILO).
Seven forms of work-related security
• Labour market security. Adequate employment opportunities,through state-guaranteed full employment.
• Employment security. Protection against arbitrary dismissal, regulations on hiring and firing, imposition of costs on employers for failing to adhere to rules, etc.
• Job security. A niche designated as an occupation or “career”,plus tolerance of demarcation practices, barriers to skill dilution, craft boundaries, job qualifications, restrictive practices, craft unions, etc.
• Work security. Protection against accidents and illness at work, through safety and health regulations, and limits on working time, unsociable hours, night work for women, etc.
• Skill reproduction security. Widespread opportunities to gainand retain skills, through apprenticeships, employment training, etc.
• Income security. Protection of income through minimum wage machinery, wage indexation, comprehensive social security, progressive taxation to reduce inequality and to supplement those with low incomes, etc.
• Representation security. Protection of collective voice in the labour market, through independent trade unions and employer associations incorporated economically and politically into the state,with the right to strike, etc