1. Раскрой скобки. Если НУЖНО. то добавь окончание ed, ИЛИ did или didn't.
Example: Не walked (walk) to the zoo yester¬day.
1. My sister (not/work) in a bank
last year.
2.(Sam/visit) England last week?
3. I (wash) the dog two days ago.
4. Did Helen go to school yesterday? — No.
5. She (not/watch) TV yesterday.
6. My father (cook) dinner last night.
7. (Jack/play) basketball last week¬
8.(she/swim) in the sea last month?
9. We (not/play) tennis yesterday.
10. (the giraffe/climb) the tree last
2. Заполни пропуски. Выбери одни из вариантов. Обведи или подчеркни правильный.
1. Не at the hospital last summer.
a) work b) worked c) works
2. They games in the park last night.
a) didn't play b) don't play c) play
3. The film funny yesterday.
a) were b) was c) didn't
4.to the zoo two days ago?
a) Did you go b) Do you go c) Were you
5. She her uncle yesterday.
a) phone b) phoned c) didn't phoned
6. Theywatch TV two days ago.
a) don’t b) did c) didn’t
7. laugh at the cinema last weekend?
a) Did he b) Does he c) Do I
8. She her dog last night.
a) didn’t walked b) didn’t walk c) walks
9. My granny’s family big.
a) did b) was c) didn’t
10. with Peter at the party?
a) Did you dance b) Did you danced? c) Was you

arinayakovenkop09u55 arinayakovenkop09u55    3   10.04.2020 18:23    3

0HIMiK0 0HIMiK0  13.10.2020 01:57

1. My sister did not (not/work) in a bank

last year.

2. did sam visit(Sam/visit) England last week?

3. I washed (wash) the dog two days ago.

4. Did Helen go to school yesterday? — No.

she's not (she/not).

5. She did not watch (not/watch) TV yesterday.

6. My father cooked (cook) dinner last night.

7. did jack play (Jack/play) basketball last week¬


8.did she swim(she/swim) in the sea last month?

9. We did not play (not/play) tennis yesterday.

10. did thegiraffe climb (the giraffe/climb) the tree last


2. Заполни пропуски. Выбери одни из вариантов. Обведи или подчеркни правильный.

1. Не b) worked at the hospital last summer.

a) work b) worked c) works

2. They a) did't play games in the park last night.

a) didn't play b) don't play c) play

3. The film b) was funny yesterday.

a) were b) was c) didn't

4.a) Did you go to the zoo two days ago?

a) Did you go b) Do you go c) Were you

5. She b) phoned her uncle yesterday.

a) phone b) phoned c) didn't phoned

6. They  watch TV two days ago.  - тут опечатка

a) don’t b) did c) didn’t

7. a) did he laugh at the cinema last weekend?

a) Did he b) Does he c) Do I

8. She b) did't walk her dog last night.

a) didn’t walked b) didn’t walk c) walks

9. My granny’s family c) didn't big.

a) did b) was c) didn’t

10. a) Did you dance with Peter at the party?

a) Did you dance b) Did you danced? c) Was you

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