1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions. 1 will Emma do what ?
2 shopping will go Emma ?
3 like Lara the T-shirt won’t
4 think she I will
5 replace what MP3 players will ?
6 won’t Alex pictures any take
2 Circle the correct word.
alex What are you reading?
jay It’s a magazine called Music to your Ears. It’s about inventions and what
(1) will / won’t happen in the future.
alex Well, one thing is sure. We (2) will / won’t be listening to CDs.
Everyone (3) will / won’t have an MP3 player.
jay I don’t know. I don’t think things (4) will / won’t change that much.
What do you think (5) will / won’t replace MP3 players?
alex What do you mean? MP3 players (6) will / won’t be replaced.
jay That’s what people thought about LPs, and it’s difficult to find those now.
alex Well, they might be replaced, but it (7) will / won’t be for a few more years.
jay I’m not so sure. There (8) will / won’t be another new music invention
and everyone (9) will / won’t want one.
alex You could be right, but I (10) will / won’t change mine. It’s got all my favorite
music on it.
3 Write sentences about what Ramón will do when he goes back to Mexico.
1 He / go back to school. ✔
2 He / take a vacation. ✘
3 He / send lots of e-mails. ✔
4 I think he / see his friends. ✔
5 I’m sure he / forget his time in the U.S. ✘

Яся83 Яся83    2   18.10.2021 23:53    0

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