1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple of Present Continuous.

1) The plane (set) off in 5 minutes.
2) He (go) to the party tonight?

3) She (know) him well?
4) They (have) the dinner tomorrow evening?
5) Jane usually (play) soccer on Mondays after school.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.

1) She ___ (cook) the dinner during three hours.
2) ___ (your friend like) basketball?
3) I ___ (not hear) from you recently.
4) We ___ (already/buy) the tickets for the new show.
5) I (do) my homework now.
3. Choose the correct answer.

1) Sarah ___ for a new flat at the moment.
2) He___ tennis every day.
3) She __ her homework for 2 hours.
4) They ___ for a new one at the moment.
5) Jane ___at the library for ten years.
1) looks
has been looking
is looking
2) play
has played
3) has done
is doing
has been doing
4) look
have been looking
are looking
5) has been working
has been worked
have been working

4. Match the tenses and time markers.

1) Present Simple a) Yet, already, since
2) Present Continuous b) For, all day
3) Present Perfect c) Usually, never , often, sometimes
4) Present Perfect Continuous d) Now, these days

5. Choose the correct answer.

1) This man is a writer. He has written/writes books.
2) He is writing/has been writing books for 10 years.
3) She always helps/has been helping her mother about the house.
4) He is already writing/has already written 10 books.
5) Is he playing/Has he played chess at the moment?


Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1) Today Sue (help) her mother all morning.
2) They already (wash) the floor.
3) Now we (cook) dinner together.
4) They (work) in the local store.
5) They (work) there for three hours.

7. Choose the correct answer.

1) She is dusting/has been dusting the furniture for an hour.
2) The climate has changed/changes lately.
3) He are /is not tired at the moment.
4) How are you doing/is you doing now?
5) She has just bought/has just buying the new dress.

8. Choose the correct answer.

1) (you already find) your notebook?
2) Lisa (be) a good girl.
3) He (forget) to write an essay for today.
4) I (look) for his book at the moment.
5) I (cook) the dinner for 2 hours.

1) Have you already found
Do you already find
Having you already find
2) are not be
have to be
3) have forgotten
has forget
4) is looking
have looked
5) have been cooked
have been cooking
am cooking

Контрольные задания

Вариант 1


Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.
1) (you do) anything tomorrow evening?
2) I (already see) him.
3) The people next door (have) a party now .
4) This dress (not fit) me anymore.
5) I (work) for 5 hours.
6) This fabric (feel) like silk.
7) What (you look) at?
8) She (be) generous, isn’t she?
9) I (not heard) from him for ages.

2. Choose the correct answer.

1) I this play before.
2) She her hair cut recently.
3) She in the garden for 3 hours.
4) They a birthday party at the moment.
5) We friends for eight years.
1) have seen
has been seeing
has seen
2) have had
having had
has had
3) has worked
is working
has been working
4) are having
have been having
5) has been
have been
are having


Choose the correct answer.
1) She has never been/has never be a mean person.
2) The children are making/have been making a lot of noise now.
3) Joe is just doing/has just done his project.
4) She always helps/have been helping me with my work.
5) Has he played/Is he playing chess before?
6) He has been teaching/has taught the students for 15 years.

Вариант 2


Complete the sentences with the correct present forms of the verbs in brackets.
1) I (not seen) from him for a long period of time.
2) (she like) her new work?
3) They ___ (listen) to the radio now.
4) This flowers (smell) amazing.
5) She (work) on her project for 3 days.
6) These trousers (not suit) me.
7) He (just break) the window.
8) (she already finish) the homework?
9) What (you do) lately?

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