1. put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (present, past, future indefinite). 1. he (to go) in for track-and-field athletics next year. 2. most people (to learn) to swim when they are children. 3. my friends (to watch) the hockey match yesterday. 4. we have six lessons today. it not (to be) the best day for training. 5. paul and i (to play) tennis yesterday and he (to win) easily. 6. when you (to finish) training yesterday? i (to come) to your place, but you not (to be) there. next time i (to wait) for you in the sports hall.

boykodiana57 boykodiana57    3   20.06.2019 13:40    1

korolev98 korolev98  16.07.2020 13:25
1 will go
2 learn
3 watched
4 is not
5 played-won
6 when did you finish trainig yesterday? came-were not-will wait
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