1. put in the correct verb form. model: i've done (i / do) all the housework. the flat is really clean now. a young couple bought (buy) the house next door. but they didn't live there long. 1. our visitors (arrive). they're sitting in the garden. 2. there's still a problem with the television. someone (repair) it, but then it broke down again. 3. (i / lose) my bank card. i can't find it anywhere. 4. the match (start). united are playing well. 5. my sister (run) away from home. but she came back two days later. 6. (we / plant) an apple tree in the garden. unfortunately it died. 7. prices (go) up. everything is more expensive this year. 8. (i / make) a cake. would you like a piece? 2. choose the best sentence a) or b). model: have you heard about the woman walking across the us? – yes, she's reached the rockies. a) the walk is continuing b) the walk has finished. 1. have you ever played beach volleyball? – yes, we played it on holiday. a) the holiday is still going on b) the holiday is over. 2. did you know old mr. green? – no, i never met him. a) mr. green is probably alive b) mr. green is probably dead. 3. wayne johnson is a great footballer. – yes, he's scored 200 goals for united. a) wayne johnson still plays for united b) wayne johnson has left united.

даниял09062007 даниял09062007    2   18.08.2019 00:10    9

lurudzheva lurudzheva  05.10.2020 01:50
1. arrived
2. had repaired
3. I lost
4. started
5. had ran
6. we planted
7. went
8. I made

a, b, a
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