1. Прочтите и устно переведите на русский язык с 1-го по 4 абзацы. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1 и 2 абзацы.


1. There are several ways in which consumers and businesses can use their savings or idle funds. They can deposit them in a commercial bank, they can take them to a savings bank or to a savings and loan association, or they can buy stocks and bonds. They can also keep excess funds completely idle by holding their cash in a safe place.

2. Since there is competition for savings, the bank must offer an attractive rate of interest. The higher the rate, the less likely it will be that savers will bring funds to the bank because people will prefer a more profitable way to save. Besides being saving institutions, banks serve another vital function. They act as a market for money. People and businesses in need of money are willing to pay for the use of it, just as people pay rent for the use of a flat or for a car they need only for some time.

Banks provide facilities for the movement of money. Businessmen borrow to expand their factories or stores, to increase their inventories and to buy machinery. They expand in the expectation that they will increase their profits. Businessmen must consider interest on loans as an added expense of any expansion.

3. Businessmen and consumers may postpone actions that require borrowed money when in their opinion the interest rate is too high.

4. There is another side to the bank's role in the economy. Since the prosperity of a bank is tied directly to the prosperity of the community in which it does business, bankers usually take an active interest in local development efforts to bring new industry to the area. They help and advise businessmen who are interested in setting up or expanding businesses. These businessmen are the biggest buyers of local government bonds. By buying these bonds they lend money for local improvements that will make their community a better place to live and to do business.

2. ответьте письменно на во после текста.

1) What are the ways in which consumers and businesses can use their savings?

2) Is there a competition for savings between banks?

3) Why do the businessmen borrow money from banks?

3. Какие предложения являются верными?

1) There are several ways in which consumers and businesses can use their savings or idle funds.

2) The bank must not offer an attractive rate of interest.

3) Banks provide facilities for the movement of money.

4) Businessmen are the smallest buyers of local government bonds.

4. Дополните предложения.

1) Consumers and businesses can deposit their savings in a commercial bank; they can take them to a bank.

2) Businessmen to expand their factories or stores, to increase their inventories and to buy machinery.

3) Businessmen and consumers may actions that require borrowed money when in their opinion the interest rate is too high.

4) Bankers usually take an active interest in local efforts to bring new industry to the area.

5. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

сберегательный банк, процентная ставка, движение денежных средств, расширение бизнеса, одалживать деньги.

daryadaletskay daryadaletskay    3   06.05.2020 21:43    56

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