1. прочитать предложения и устно их перевести;

2. заполнить пробелы в предложениях формами Present Perfect или Present Perfect

Continuous глаголов из скобок;

3. получившиеся предложения записать в тетрадь.

1. Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. Tom ___ (lose) his key.

2. It was raining 10 minutes ago. It isn’t raining now. It ___ (stop).

3. Why are you out of breath? ___ you ___(run)?

4. Laura ___ (travel) in South America for the last three months.

5. Somebody ___ (eat) all the chocolates. The box is empty.

6. How long ___ Sally ___ (learn) Chinese?

7. Where have you been? I ___ (look for) you for the last half an hour.

8. My bag was here, but it isn’t here anymore. My bag ___ (disappear).

9. Silvia is a very good tennis player. She ___ (play) since she was 8.

10. “Would you like something to eat?” – “No, thank you. I ___ just ___ (have) lunch.”

11. Harry ___ not ___ (be) to India yet.

12. Jessica is working in a hotel. She started working there on 18 January.

So she ___ (work) there since 18 January.

nikolaydanilov7 nikolaydanilov7    3   05.05.2020 12:17    4

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