1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную грамматическую форму. 1) She would have come to dinner if we (to invite) her.
2) If I were you, I (to study) harder.
3) You (to be) late if you don’t leave now.
4) If I had known your address, I (to send) you a postcard.
5) If the weather tomorrow is good, we (to go) to the beach.
6) You will never learn to play the piano, unless you (to practise) daily.
7) Unless you (to study), you won’t pass the exams.
8) If I didn’t have to work such long hours, I (to be) so tired.
9) If you (to find) some money in the street, what would you do?
10) She (to call) you if she has time.
11) If I (to have) any money, I would give you some.
12) I could have helped you if you (to trust) me more.
13) If I (to speak) English, my job would a lot easier.
14) If I (to be) you, I would change my job.
15) If he (to see) me here, he will be really angry.

2. Вставьте пропущенные слова в нужной грамматической форме.

objective, need, essential, institution, to reflect, to ensure, further, to bring up, to face, knowledge, demand to, extend, to consider, to depend, curriculum

1) Modern society presents new …to the system of education.
2) There is an urgent … in qualified specialists.
3) Many new subjects are included in the school …
4) Education is one of the most important social … of any country.
5) The system of education usually … the condition of the society.
6) The main … in education go along with the changes in society and industry.
7) The system of assessment also needs … development.
8) Teachers shouldn’t forget that their aim is to … new generation of citizens.
9) Education in the country should … progress.
10) Modern system of education … many problems.
11) Teachers are the … part of the education system.
12) Education should provide people with deep … in certain fields.
13) Nowadays the teacher’s duties are … greatly.
14) Upbringing and development of the new generation … on teachers.
15) The quality of education can be … the integral part of nation’s well-being.

СофикоПримудрая СофикоПримудрая    1   23.01.2022 18:29    9

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