1) поставьте глаголы в форму present perfect : 1) the simpsons _ already (go) on holidays. 2) _ you ever (be) to the usa 3) jane _ not (buy) tickets to moscow yet. 4) we _ (live) on the island for three months 5) they _ (know) each other since their childhood 2) correct the mistakes (spelling/grammar) исправьте ошибки (орфаграфические/грамматические) 1) christopher columbus discover america on 1492. (2 mistakes) 2) nateve americans was very peaceful. (2 mistakes) 3) first english colonies don t want to dipend to english king. (3 mistakes) 4) 13 english colonies had fighted for independence since 8 years (1775-1783). (2 mistakes) 5)life in the wild wast was dangeros. (2 mistakes)

ЗнайкаЗазнайка228 ЗнайкаЗазнайка228    1   23.05.2019 15:36    2

lhukotunl lhukotunl  19.06.2020 10:57

1. have already gone     2.Have you ever been    3.hasn't bought   4.have lived    5. Have known

1. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492

2. Native Americans were very peaceful

3. First English colonies didn't want to depend on English king

4. 13 English colonies had fought for indepenence for 8 years

5. Life in the Wild West was dangerous

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