1. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в Present Perfect Continuous: 1. The boy (to play) football since 12 a.m.
2. Her sister (to do) her homework for 2 hours.
3. You (to watch) too much television lately
4. They (to study) since 11 o'clock.
5. Luke and Marta (to take) their medicine for the last seven days.
6. They (to work) at that shop for a year.
7. Jane (to feel) a little upset.
8. Jack (to exercise) lately.
9. I (to wait) for one hour.
10.Bob (to talk) too much.

SharkiLoge SharkiLoge    2   09.04.2021 21:28    0

Minimuux Minimuux  09.05.2021 21:34

1. ...has been playing...

2. has been doing

3. have been watching

4. have been studying

5. have been taking

6. have been working

7. has been feeling

8. has been exercising

9. have been waiting

10. has been talking

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