1. подчеркните в тексте сказуемые в страдательном залоге, определите время.
the library was created in 1800 by an act of congress that appropriated $ 5,000
"for the purchase of such books as may be necessary for the use of congress and
for fitting up a suitable apartment for containing " destroyed when the
british burned the capitol during the war of 1812, the collections were replaced
by the purchase of thomas jefferson's library in 1815. the library remained in the
capitol until the completion of the present main building in 1897.
in 1939, the annex building was completed to house the library's growing
collections and brought the library's total floor space to 35 acres. a third major
building, the library of congress james madison memorial building, located
across independence avenue from the main building, was completed in 1977.
the primary role of the library of congress is to perform research work for
members and committees of congress. over the years, congress has traditionally
shared with the public the collections of the library, which now functions as the
national library of the united states. any person over high school age may use the
facilities of its 16 reading-rooms, and its resources are available to other
government agencies and to libraries throughout the united states, through such
services as interlibrary loan and the distribution of printed catalogue cards.
although the library of congress does not acquire every book printed, or even
every book published in the united states, it is nonetheless probably the world's
largest library. it possesses a copy of the first great book printed from movable
metal type - the gutenberg bible - in addition to millions of other items. it also
houses such rarities as a collection of stradivarius instruments, lincoln's
gettysburg address, thomas jefferson's draft of the declaration of independence,
and the giant bible of mainz.​

Dianissimolps Dianissimolps    3   19.12.2019 08:57    56

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