1. подчеркните в предложениях глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. 1. bricks have been in constant use everywhere in every sort of construction. 2. is 2 o’clock tomorrow ok with you? - i’m sorry, i’ll be papering the walls. let’s meet some other time. 3. an important part in the history of building was played by the column. 4. is your house looked after when you are on holiday? 2. подчеркните в предложениях причастие 1 (participle 1) и причастие ii (participle ii) и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. 1. while waiting for him i looked through the magazines lying on the table. 2. the results obtained were of great importance. 3. when reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful than before. 4. i shall still be translating the article when you come.

Tto2036 Tto2036    3   17.06.2019 22:50    4

kirik2017 kirik2017  02.10.2020 04:07
have been in use - составное именное сказуемое
время - Present Perfect, пассивный залог Passive Voice
will be papering - простое глагольное сказуемое
время - Future Continuous, активный залог Active Voice
was played - простое глагольное
Past Simple, Passive Voice
is looked after - Present Simple, Passive Voice

Participle I
waiting - обстоятельство
lying -определение

Participle II
obtained - определение
reconstructured - обстоятельство времени

translating - Participle I, часть глагола-сказуемого
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