1. Подчеркните правильное слово

1. Matt likes to travel/travels by coach.

2. You must/can take photographs in the museum.

3. Dan wants to visit historic/new sites in Egypt.

4. Patty likes travelling by/on plane.

5. Holly is going on a cruise/safari to see the wild animals.

6. You can go rock climbing/scuba diving in Himalayas.

7. Sara wants to take a train/cruise down the Nile.

8. Peter likes walking. He goes sailing/hiking every summer.

9. You can/can’t buy souvenirs here. We’ve got a big selection.

10. They stay at a nice coach/hotel when they go on holiday.

Irakrasnova72 Irakrasnova72    2   04.05.2020 18:47    3

Qqertyi Qqertyi  18.08.2020 12:20
1. travel
3. Historic
5. Safari
6. Scuba
8. Hiking
9. Can
10. Hotel
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