1. Подчеркните Complex Object.
1. I heard her enter the room.
2. She made the doctor examine a child.
3. I want the verse to be read by you.
4. I believe him to come back.
5. I cannot imagine him to be doing his homework now.
6. I had the dictionary be given to you.
7. I know him to have written this paper.
2. Поставьте частицу to, где это необходимо; подчеркните Complex Object.
1. I forced him get out.
2. I told him bring the mail at once.
3. I heard him leave the office.
4. Let me go.
5. He made me sign this paper.
3. Перефразируйте предложения, используя Complex Object
1. I know it. She is a good secretary.
2. They reported it. A new product had been launched.
3. I saw it. She left the room.
4. I think that he works as a reporter.
5. I watched it. She closed the box.
4. Переведите на английский язык
1. Пусть они прочитают книгу.
2. Распорядитесь, чтобы кто-нибудь убрал комнату. (somebody, clean, room)
3. Я не заставлю тебя подписывать эти бумаги. (sign, these papers)
4. Я видел, как она взяла ключ. (take, key)
5. Не люблю, когда она читает вслух. (read aloud)