1.Please, wait here» , she … to me.

a – asked c – said

b – told d – advised

2. There were … people at the conference.

a – a few c – a little

b – none d - any

3. Eric told me he would visit the museum … .

a – the next day c – yesterday

b – now d – tomorrow

4. She … us to clean up the lab when we were finished.

a – exclaimed c – accused

b – demanded d – reminded

5. John … his car repaired at the garage when I called.

a – had c – was having

b – is having d – had had

6. Karen told me she … the exhibit the day before.

a – saw c – sees

b – would see d – had seen

7. … students completed their project on time.

a – both c – none

b – either d – every

8. There are … interactive exhibits at the museum.

a – much c – lots of

b – plenty d – a great deal of

9. The tour guide asked …we wanted to see the caves.

a – if b – do c – did d - had

10. «Don`t forget your notebooks», he … us.

a – asked c – said

b – told d – suggested

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