1. Переведите сложноподчиненные предложения на русский язык и определите их тип
1. As long as you are working here, we’ll have a rest.
2. His words that he wasn’t coming upset me.
3. They hurry lest they shouldn’t be late.
4. Wherever it was possible, the travellers camped for the night.
5. We came half an hour earlier so that you could speak to him.
6. The TV box which we bought yesterday is very good.
7. I don’t know what you are talking about.
8. She is smiling because she has remembered something funny.
9. The man who called didn’t say his name.
10. As soon as he came, they started the work.
11. Write down all the new words lest you should forget them.
12. This girl says she can speak three languages.
13. The book you are discussing is unfamiliar to me.
14. They waited for him where he usually walked.
15. As it was warm, he went for a walk.
16. He speaks slowly in order that we may understand everything.

Aigerim1111111111 Aigerim1111111111    1   11.12.2020 06:57    46

adelya606 adelya606  10.01.2021 06:58

1. While you are working here, we will rest.

2. His words about not coming upset me.

3. They are in a hurry not to be late.

4. Wherever possible, the travelers camped for the night.

5. We came half an hour early so you could talk to him.

6. the TV we bought yesterday is very good.

7. I don't know what you're talking about.

8. She smiles because she remembered something funny.

9. The man who phoned didn't give his name.

10. As soon as he arrived, they got to work.

11. Write down all the new words so that you don't forget them.

12. This girl says she can speak three languages.

13. The book you are discussing, I don't know.

14. They were waiting for him where he usually went.

15. Since it was warm, he went for a walk.

16. He speaks slowly so that we can understand everything.

Habibullo32 Habibullo32  10.01.2021 06:58

1. Пока вы здесь работаете, мы будем отдыхать.

2. Его слова о том, что он не приедет, меня расстроили.

3. Они спешат, чтобы не опоздать.

4. Там, где это было возможно, путешественники останавливались на ночлег.

5. Мы пришли на полчаса раньше, чтобы вы могли с ним поговорить.

6. ТВ бокс, который мы купили вчера, очень хороший.

7. Я не понимаю, о чем вы говорите.

8. Она улыбается, потому что вспомнила что-то забавное.

9. Звонивший мужчина не назвал своего имени.

10. Как только он приехал, приступили к работе.

11. Запишите все новые слова, чтобы не забыть их.

12. Эта девушка говорит, что может говорить на трех языках.

13. Книга, которую вы обсуждаете, мне незнакома.

14. Ждали его там, где он обычно ходил.

15. Так как было тепло, он пошел гулять.

16. Он говорит медленно, чтобы мы все поняли.


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