1. перепишите предложения в косвенной речи. 1) “i have got a scholarship! ” said mike happily. 2) “please, hand in your test papers,” said our professor. 3) a freshman said, “i don’t have any friends at the university.” 4) “do you take notes of the lectures? ” asked my tutor. 5) “what university are you going to enter? ” my school teacher asked me. 6) my friend said, “i failed the exam.” 7) my mother asked, ‘when will you come back from the university? ’ 2. переведите из косвенной речи в прямую. 1) i asked him if he was going to enter any university. 2) bill wanted to know when olivia had moved in the hostel. 3) mary asked me whether i wanted to go to canteen or not. 4) she said that she would be back at noon to discuss her time-table. 5) my friend told me that he was going to retake the exam. 6) my teacher asked me not to forget and write my essay.

ЧернаяРадуга ЧернаяРадуга    3   13.09.2019 09:50    8

Катя870273 Катя870273  07.10.2020 11:36
1- Mike said that he has a scholarship 
2- Our Professor told us to hand in our test papers
3- A freshman said that he doesn't have any friends at the university
4- My tutor asked me if i take notes of the lecture
5- My school teacher asked me what university i am going to enter
6- My friend said he failed the exam
7- My mom asked me when I am going to come back from the university 

1- "Are you going to enter any university?" i asked
2- Bill asked Olivia "When did you move in the hostel?"
3- "Do you want to go to the canteen?" Mary asked me
4- "I'll be back at noon to discuss my timetable" She said
5- "I'm going to retake the exam" My friend told me
6- "Don't forget to write your essay" my teacher said
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