1. переделайте в косвенную речь: 1. i`ll try to phone you tomorrow 2. have you been to america? 3. don`t lend money to strangers, anna? 2. переделайте используя сложные дополнения: 1. tom expect ( i ) to write a letter every week 2. our parents want ( we ) to be friends. 3. i`d like ( you ) to offer him help 4. i dont want ( she ) to read the letter 3. переделайте в сослагательное наклонение: 1. you ( have ) to take a plane if you ( miss ) the train , )

raistarasenko raistarasenko    3   29.06.2019 01:30    3

ооиррррр ооиррррр  02.10.2020 14:47
He said he would try to call me the following day
She asked if I had been to America?
They asked Ann not to lend money to strangers.

Tom expects me to write a letter every week.
Our parents want us to be friends.
I'd like you to offer him help.
I don't want her to read the letter.

You will have to take a plane if you miss the train
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