1. Paris is the capital of France 2. People call Paris "The city of the night"
3. There arenot many interesting sights in Paris
4. There is the Eiffel Tower. It's 200 metres tall
5. There aren't any museums and art galleries
6. Here you can see the famous sculptures and paintings
like Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.
7. Many tourists visit Paris.
True False
True False
True False
True False
True False
True False
True False​

1. Paris is the capital of France 2. People call Paris The city of the night3. There arenot many i

сашуня29 сашуня29    2   15.03.2021 13:26    0

maksshvanov maksshvanov  14.04.2021 14:34

1 true

2 false

3 false

4 false

5 false

6 true

7 true


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