1)Our street ___ very narrow. 2) you happy, Emma? Yes, I___. 3) I can see a little sparrow. It ___ in the tree. 4) Two yellow chicks ___ under the bench. 5) These cars ___ slow but those cars___ not. 6) We ___ by the door. 7) Where ___ Sally and Sam? He __ in town and she ___ on the farm.

maricn2102 maricn2102    1   01.12.2020 11:00    1

alsumamadaliev alsumamadaliev  31.12.2020 11:02

1)Our street IS very narrow.

2) ARE you happy, Emma? Yes, I AM.

3) I can see a little sparrow. It IS in the tree.

4) Two yellow chicks ARE under the bench.

5) These cars ARE slow but those cars ARE not.

6) We ARE by the door.

7) Where ARE Sally and Sam? He IS in town and she IS on the farm.


rik172 rik172  31.12.2020 11:02

1) is

2) Are; am

3) is

4) are

5) are; are

6) are

7) are; is; is

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