1)our planet will be in danger in the future. 2)they have watched a very interesting film задайте на каждое предложение следующие вопросы. общий,альтернативный,разделительный,специальный и подлежащий вопрос.

Olegbro364682 Olegbro364682    1   03.08.2019 15:10    0

finicot finicot  30.09.2020 12:02
1) 1. Will our planet be in danger in the future?
2. Will our planet be or not in danger in the future?
3. Our planet will be in danger in the future, won't it?
4. When will our planet be in danger?
5. What will be in danger in the future?

2) 1. Have they watched a very interesting film?
2. Have they watched a very interesting or a very boring film?
3. They have watched a very interesting film, haven't they?
4. What have they watched?
5. Who has watched a very interesting film?
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